Rabu, 21 Maret 2018

7 Signs That the Law of Attraction is Working For You

7 Signs That the Law of Attraction is Working For You

Image source: http://livinglovelee.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/7-signs-universe-940x705.jpg

7 Signs That the Law of Attraction is Working For You

Even if you understand the Law of Attraction well, you will still find that it usually takes some time for your dreams to manifest. While you are waiting for your new reality to arrive its a great idea to look for signs from the universe that your dreams are on their way. A little reassurance can help you keep a positive outlook, and keeping a positive outlook is critical!

Here are seven signs that you are on the right track with the Law of Attraction. Be on the lookout for them, and when you see or feel them, smile and know you are moving in the right direction!

1. Experiencing goosebumps or chills (not related to illness): Have you ever noticed that when youre listening to a song that you connect with strongly you suddenly get goosebumps or chills? Strong positive emotions can bring about goosebumps or chills; they are a solid indication that you are connected to your higher self and projecting the right vibrational energy to manifest your dreams.

2. Flowing in and out of traffic without waiting at any long lights or getting stuck behind slow drivers: This is a good indication that you are going with the flow.
Going with the flow is the quickest way to attract what you want.

3. Seeing repeating number patterns, most notably 000, 1111, 333, 777, and 1234: Symbolically, each of these number patterns represent high vibrational energy. Look for them on license plates, phone numbers and digital clocks.

4. Your favorite songs are playing on the radio: You are projecting high vibrational emotions, so the universe is bringing you songs that reflect your high emotional state. Turn up the music and really appreciate it!

5. Seeing spiritual or positive cloud formations: Clouds in shapes like hearts, smiley faces and angels are symbolic indicators that you are on the right track.

6. Thinking about someone and then immediately seeing them or receiving a phone call from them: Your intuition is heightened, which means you are strongly connected to the guidance you are being sent from the universe.

7. Receiving compliments, hugs and positive attention from others: You are projecting love into the world, and therefore love is returning to you.
When you see or feel these signs take a moment to express gratitude to the universe for bringing you closer to your dreams. Your appreciation will intensify the magnetism of the Law of Attraction. The more that you appreciate these signs, the more of them will appear, and the faster the Law of Attraction will work!

These are just seven lucky signs from the universe that the Law of Attraction is working for you, but there are more out there! Do you have any other lucky signs? What are they?

If you enjoyed this article you can find more like it on my blog (www.raiseyourvibrationtoday.com/articles/), or Facebook page (www.facebook.com/raiseyourvibrationtoday). You can also follow me on Twitter (https://twitter.com/Vibration1111) or Instagram (http://instagram.com/andrea.11.11/)!

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