Minggu, 01 April 2018

Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes that Everyone Should Know

Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes that Everyone Should Know

Image source: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cy7A72ZXgAANYnD.jpg

Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes that Everyone Should Know

Diabetes is a group of metabolic disorders with hypoglycemia as a principal complication which may either result from defect in insulin secretion or insulin action or both.

It is further classified into 2 types - a) type 1 diabetes 2) type 2 diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes occurs due to beta cell destruction which may be immune mediated or idiopathic usually leading to absolute insulin deficiency. That is why type1 diabetes is also called as Insulin dependent Diabetes Mellitus.

Type 2 diabetes may range from predominantly resistance to insulin along with insulin deficiency to predominantly secretory defect with insulin resistance. It is also called Non Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus.

In all, diabetes develops due to variable combination of total insulin deficiency caused by pancreatic cell dysfunction and tissue insulin resistance due to decreased cellular responsiveness.

Signs of type 1 and type 2 are similar in many respects as in both these conditions there is too much glucose present in blood but not enough present inside the cells.

In Insulin dependent or type 1 diabetes there is abrupt onset of severe symptoms while in Non insulin dependent or type 2 diabetes there are asymptomatic or only moderate symptoms present.

The cardinal symptoms of diabetes mellitus are polyuria, polydipsia, and weight loss without effort. The presence of these symptoms should always result in an immediate test for blood glucose and urine for ketones.

Important signs and symptoms are as follows -

Polyuria - Hyperglycemia causes increased excretion of urine because if insulin is absent or not effective then kidneys are not able to filter glucose back to blood so they take out extra water from the blood in order to dilute the glucose. Hence, there is regular filling of bladder and regular desire of voiding of urine arises.

Polydipsia - Due to increased urinary excretion, excessive thirst develops which forces the person to drink more water causing polydipsia. Polyuria and polydipsia are termed as "Osmotic Symptoms".

Weight Loss - Weight loss in a person of more than 5% should be considered clinically important if the person is not deliberately attempting to lose weight. Weight loss is a common symptom in type 1 diabetes because in type 1 diabetes there is marked insulin deficiency so cells desperately starve for glucose. Type 2 proceeds gradually so symptoms of weight loss are not as noticeable as type 1.

Lethargy and Fatigue - They occur particularly in type 2 diabetes because in type 2 symptoms are present since some time.

Tingling or Numbness in Extremities - Consistently high glucose blood level damages the nervous system and especially in the extremities. This symptom often improves if controlled glucose levels are maintained.

Skin Troubles - In patients with poor glycemic control skin infections occur such as Staphylococcal infections leading to boils, Carbuncles or Abscesses which are often recurrent. Oral and genital candidiasis can also be a presenting feature of diabetes mellitus. Genital candidiasis in women leads to a thick white discharge and vaginal soreness. In men it can lead to severe Balanitis (infection of glans penis).

Visual Disturbance - Hyperglycemia leads to blurred vision owing to the osmotic changes within the aqueous humor of lens of eye. This symptom settles once normoglycemia is achieved.

A Guide To Understanding The Different Types Of Condoms

A Guide To Understanding The Different Types Of Condoms

Image source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/99/00/99/990099ee1ef4a66aae8bc0e40a6b4faa.jpg

A Guide To Understanding The Different Types Of Condoms

If used perfectly every single time, Planned Parenthood puts the effectiveness of a condom at 98%.

However, they go on to point out that none of us are perfect and the real statistic should be placed at about 85%. In an effort to avoid any negative repercussions, we not only need to know how to use condoms but understand what our options are.

Lets take a look at the different types of condoms so you can choose the one thatll work best for you.

1. The Classic Latex Condom

These types of condoms are the most common and stretch more easily than other alternatives.

One of the most important things to point out, however, is that they should never be used with body oil. Oil can cause them to break or slip off more easily. Instead, consider a water or silicone-based lubricant.

2. The Non-Latex Condom

After rolling around in the sheets, feeling a rash break out down there can certainly give you heart palpitations.

Dont rush to the worst case scenario, though, and think you suddenly contracted an STD. You might be allergic to latex. In that case, make sure you select a non-latex condom next time.

These types of condoms are less popular than their latex counterparts because they dont stretch as easily and are less effective at preventing pregnancy. One study established that non-latex condoms are eight times more likely to break than latex condoms.

In the event of a latex allergy, consider adding spermicide to your prevention methods.

3. Spermicidal Condoms

Did you just start to wonder how youre supposed to manage condoms and spermicidal in the heat of the moment?

Have no fear. Spermicidal condoms are here.

Just know that you never want to use spermicide alone. They wont protect you against sexually transmitted diseases.

4. The Female Condom

These types of condoms are talked about less, but worth considering. Their rate of effectiveness is about 3% lower than regular male condoms.

The upside to these is that they can be inserted well in advance of that magic moment.

The most important thing to note is that you should never use male condoms in conjunction with female condoms.

The two can adhere together or cause slippage. You know what that means!

5. Textured Condoms

These types of condoms might be best reserved for someone youre having regular sex with. They tend to take a little bit of experimentation.

Textured condoms might be ribbed, textured, or even studded. Dont cringe! Some people say they offer added stimulation.

If youre ever curious, try on a few and see if any of them heightens the already-pleasurable experience!

Now That You Know the Different Types of Condoms, Spread the Word!

Here at Article City, we can help you market any product, from solar panels, to travel blogs, to the different types of condoms.

Sign up for a free Article City account so you can see what over 40,000 other marketers are doing to excel in their industry.

Spend some time on our blog, too. Its filled with tons of useful advice, including the best way to craft content for male audiences.

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Signs & Symptoms of a Spiritual Awakening

Signs & Symptoms of a Spiritual Awakening

Image source: http://www.lalizasimosigns.com/product-photos/13/3894.jpg

Signs & Symptoms of a Spiritual Awakening

Worldwide, political, economical, environmental and social events are taking place that are changing the way we think, feel and perceive our world as well as relate to one another. Change is in the air, on a collective and an individual level, both of which mirror one another.

A mass spiritual awakening is at hand, as a 26,000-thousand year planetary calendar cycle draws to an end, expanding human consciousness in unprecedented ways. On a collective level, a paradigm shift is under way as we unplug from a fear-based paradigm rooted in separation, control, disempowerment and worthlessness to one of love, integrity and connection with all of life. On an individual level, tremendous inner change is taking place as the higher energy of this shift nudges to let go of anything that is not true to who you are and align with your true Self-the authentic, fearless, creative and unconditionally loving part of you that knows no limitation or separation from creation.

A spiritual awakening is accompanied by great internal change. It may feel like you are losing your mind. In many ways, you are losing your old mind, filled with old baggage in the form of beliefs, concepts, attitudes and emotions from your past that no longer serve you. Although this process creates challenge, it is important to remember that all great change is preceded by a time of turmoil and chaos where the old must break down, before space for the new can be open. Below is a list of typical signs and symptoms of a spiritual awakening that you may be experiencing at this time as well as keys to lighten up the process:

Your Body

Physical manifestation of illness, aches, pains and disease are on the rise and signal where you are resisting your true self and holding on to emotions and beliefs that do not serve you.

Eating habits are changing. As you clear and heal away old energy, your energy field lightens up. As a result, the foods you prefer to eat will change because the bodys energetic makeup is altered. Your food preferences may become lighter and you may feel that you are more in tune with your body. You may also experience extreme food cravings.

Energy centres (chakras) are opening up. You may feel various sensations at the locations of the chakras: heat at the top of your head, pressure and tightness at the centre of your chest and solar plexus, tightness in the area of the throat. Organs and systems associated with the chakras are affected, causing temporary imbalances and discomfort. To learn more about the chakras and their associated organs, please click here.

Key: drink lots of pure water, spend more time in communion with nature, eat fresh, raw foods to increase the circulation of life force throughout the body. It is important to stay grounded and not leave your body through mental distraction. Gentle forms of exercise like Qi Gong, walking and Yoga as well as deep breathing are highly beneficial for grounding yourself.

Your Emotions

An emotion is energy in motion. All unprocessed (repressed) emotions are stored in the cellular memory of the body. At this time, all lower energies still held within your cells and your energy body (click here to learn more) are being stirred up for processing and releasing. Suppressed negative emotions like anger, guilt, grief, fear, shame and trauma are being brought up for healing. Emotional overwhelm, higher sensitivity and irritability, extreme mood swings, depression, anxiety, insecurity and self destruction can be experienced as a result.

Key: let go of self-judgement and any feelings of there being something wrong with you. Affirm that you are exactly where you need to be on your journey.

Your Mind

Old beliefs that are rooted in fear and limitation are being brought to the surface to be cleared and replaced with empowering beliefs in resonance with you inner truth. It may feel like nothing is certain anymore, including your identity. This happens when old thinking patterns that no longer serve you, are being disassembled in the mind and re-wired in the brain. Feelings of being stuck and disconnected point to warn out beliefs within the mind that must be looked at, evaluated (as to their origin) and replaced.

Key: practice observing your emotions as they tell you what you believe to be true. Negative emotion/negative emotional reaction=negative belief. When you discover a negative belief, claim your power to choose and choose a belief that you prefer to have instead.

Your Relationships & Social life

Relationships of all types, including friendships, parents, partnerships, are affected. As you begin to heal and change on the inner level of your being, your energy vibration begins to rise accordingly. Relationship dynamics based in control, abuse, power-struggles and inequality will come to an end as you will no longer be able to tolerate their energy and instead, desire relationships which mirror your inner change. You will be drawn to people of a like-mind. In your social life, you may not feel like being around certain people as well as going to the places you are used to socializing in. You may start to feel discomfort in your original social settings and develop new preferences for company and social gatherings.

Key: honour your desire and feelings for different relationships and trust that you will draw them to yourself when you are ready for them. Allow yourself periods of solitude and introspection.

Your Spiritual life

With the opening of the major energy centres and the release of old energy, the development of intuitive abilities, extra sensitivity, empathy, telepathy and other extrasensory abilities are very common. You may begin to ask yourself questions like who am I?, why am I here?, what is my higher purpose?, what is my relationship to all of life? etc. A spiritual awakening prompts a deeper connection to the heart. As a result, you may find yourself becoming more open and vulnerable with the influx of feelings of love and reverence for all of life. You may be drawn to certain practices like meditation or spending more time with nature, children or animals.

Key: set a specific time each day when you can connect to your deeper Self and your heart on a regular basis. Listen to the guidance and inner knowing of your heart to help you stay connected to your inner being.

A Guide to Astrology Signs and Their Meanings

A Guide to Astrology Signs and Their Meanings

Image source: http://www.webcommentary.com/images/articles/gt121130.jpg

A Guide to Astrology Signs and Their Meanings

Astrological signs are often consulted by most people whenever they have problems about life and love. They provide a birds eye view of what may happen to them in the future, or for some, what may have been the problems which existed in a particular situation. We cannot hide the fact that astrology has given us with quite an impact about different aspects of our lives.

Astrology signs have been a part of our lives for quite some time. For those who are yet to discover the magic of these signs and symbols, here is a quick guide on the astrology signs and their meanings. This will really help you once you feel the need to consult the different signs and symbols whenever you feel in doubt.

The Gemini and Pisces are considered to be the two twin symbols of the zodiac. The Gemini is represented by twins, and in other cases, they can also resemble the Roman numeral II. As for Pisces, they are represented by a couple of fishes. People who are born under the sign of Gemini are often known as flexible and creative individuals. The duality of their nature is also represented by the fact that they are symbolized by twins. This means that they have a complex mixture of characteristics. People born under the Pisces sign are considered to possess honesty and selflessness. They have the ability to care for others more than they care for themselves.

Taurus and Aries symbols are also very alike. The image of the Taurus is a bull, while the symbol for an Aries is represented by a ram. Individuals born under the sign of Taurus are known to have utmost sympathy and appreciation for others. On the other hand, people who are born under the sign of Aries are known to have spontaneity and ambition. Capricorn also bears and image of a goat, and the people who have this sign are known as intelligent and stable.

One highly recognizable astrology sign is Leo, which represents a lion. True enough, a person who is born under the sign of Leo are considered as very powerful and open-minded. Virgo is represented by a maiden, and Scorpio, as the name suggests, is represented by a scorpion. Virgos are considered to be very inquisitive individuals, and Scorpios possess a bold nature that most of the signs do not have.

Sagittarius carries the image of an archer, and people who have this sign are known as a person of great focus and intensity. Aquarius, on ht other hand, is represented by a water bearer, and is known as the humanitarians of the zodiac because of their ability to care for others extremely.

A weighing scale represents Libra. Persons who are born under this sign are considered to show a just and fair nature towards others, just like what the symbol represents. And lastly, Cancer, which is represented by a crab, has a tendency to be drawn to home and family in general.

These astrology signs will vastly help you to determine your present conditions in life. Once that you seek guidance and help from these astrology signs, you will be able to possess enough clarity about the concerns that you have at the moment.

Sabtu, 31 Maret 2018

Signal vs Power Integrity Why it Matters

Signal vs Power Integrity Why it Matters

Image source: http://ocean-innovations.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/201409-ST-Signal_Integrity.jpg

Signal vs Power Integrity Why it Matters

Comprehending the fundamentals of Signal Integrity (SI) and Power Integrity (PI) is indispensable when it comes to dealing with high-speed Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs). Nowadays, speed is one of the chief factors in assessing the functionality of a digital product.

In several designs, the PCB layout critically contributes to the overall functionality. In case of high-speed designs, the SI and PI factors are important in accomplishing optimum functionality of the overall system.

When the signal integrity issues surfaced up in the 1990s, it became clear that the term pure digital does not exist. At present, both the factors have their own issues, which directly contribute to the device failure at different design stages.

Thus, it is rational for the design engineers to consider the analog characteristics of a high-speed design of a PCB along with the digital parts. Analyzing both the factors is essential for having a successful high-speed design, as it gives valuable insight into the changes that the professionals should make to the design.

These two analyses would not be there if computing resources were countless, as the whole circuit would then need analysis only once for identifying and removing the issues. However, the resources are practically bound in terms of what can be simulated. 

Thus, analyzing both the realms is essential to resolve specific problems of particular categories. For example, in signal integrity, the crux is the transmission line from the transmitter to the receiver.

Herein, the traces above the planes are the focal point. These lines possess features such as delay and impedance, which determine how the I/O functionality works.

On the other hand, in power integrity analysis, the main focus is on the power and its distribution via the transmission planes. While a transmission line makes one examine only one direction, the transmission plane makes one assess the movement of energy in X and Y directions. As a result, the power integrity analysis is a bit difficult.

However, modeling at DC is simpler, as it involves computing the resistance of plane shapes and traces. When it comes to high frequencies, complex calculations are involved for evaluating the impedance between power and ground at different spots on the PDN.

The SI analysis makes it tangible to see how signals will act while passing through the PCB traces and other components. On the other hand, the PI analysis assesses the planes impedance and decoupling capacitance by examining the Power Delivery Network (PDN) of the design under consideration.

The goal of PI analysis is almost analogous to the SI analysis - to compute the impedance of a PDN. In case of SI, a traces impedance is matched to some value.

Here, the goal is also to remove issues regarding timing, signal quality, and crosstalk, which are also the main simulations that professionals perform. For PI analysis, the key simulations are decoupling, DC voltage drop, and noise analysis.

Another difference is that signal integrity assumes an almost perfect power supply but power integrity is yet to take into account the impact of switching signals. Thus, experts recommend simulating both the analyses concurrently. Doing so keeps exaggerated optimistic outcomes at bay.

With the further improvement in the modeling technology and computing ability, it is likely to be possible to simulate both integrity realms together. This will give a crystal clear comprehension regarding the behavior of circuits, types of margins in a design, and the means to gain the best possible functionality.

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A Couple Signs Of A Cheating Wife

A Couple Signs Of A Cheating Wife

Image source: https://image.slidesharecdn.com/3signsofacheatingwoman-130420141730-phpapp01/95/3-signs-of-a-cheating-woman-3-638.jpg?cb=1366467489

A Couple Signs Of A Cheating Wife

Do you suspect that your wife is cheating on you? If you do, you are definitely not alone. Infidelity is actually quite common these days. You can see it all over television and almost everyone has known someone who has been cheated on, in one way or another.

If you are a husband who thinks that your wife is cheating on you, there are a number of signs that you will want to be on the lookout for. The following are four signs that could very well confirm your suspicions.

1 - A Change in Appearance

If your wife has gone through a change in appearance, it could be a sign that she is cheating on you. What you will want to look for is small, but significant changes in appearance.

For example, has she always worn glasses but has all of a sudden opted for contact lenses? Has your wife recently started showing more skin? Dressing provocatively is a common sign of cheating, especially if your wife typically dresses conservatively. Switching perfumes or wearing it more often can be another sign of cheating. This can be done to impress a new man or to cover up another man's scent.

2 - A Change in Affection

A change in the amount of affection that your wife gives you could be seen as a sign of having an affair. For example, has your love life been happy and healthy in the past? Was your relationship filled with fun, adventure, and great sex? If so, has that changed? If your wife no longer compliments you as she did before or does something as simple as pull away during a kiss, an affair may be going on. Many cheating women try to avoid close contact with their husbands in fear of getting caught or letting their guilt show.

3 - Secrecy

A wife becoming more secretive can often point to an extramarital affair. For example, does your wife spend too much time on the phone or the internet? If so, what does she say when you ask her what she is doing? If you receive a "nothing," or a "not your business," response, something may be going on.

In keeping with phone and internet use, does your wife automatically hang-up the phone whenever you walk into a room? Does she shut off the computer or try to block your view of it? If so, your wife's secrecy may mean that she is trying to cover up an affair.

4 - Changes in Bills

One of the simplest ways to catch a cheating wife is to start paying your bills. In most relationships, this is the woman's responsibility, but make it yours. Examine your wife's cell phone bills. Does it show what phone numbers are called or what numbers text messages and pictures are received from? Also, closely examine credit card bills. Are there expenses listed for hotel rooms, vacations, restaurants, or anything else that you have no idea about? If so, your wife may be cheating on you.

The above mentioned signs are just a few of the many that you will want to look for in a cheating wife. If you think that your wife is cheating on you, just be sure to keep your eyes and ears open. Unfortunately for the cheaters, they often make mistakes. Many women get so comfortable, that they slip up at one time or another. If you know what to look for, this is when you may be able to catch your wife cheating.

If you do find out that your wife is cheating on you, you may want to carefully approach the subject. Never confront your wife in front of your children. No matter how angry you are, do not get violent and try to keep your voice at a reasonable level. As hard as it can be, calming approaching the situation can better allow you and your wife to have an honest discussion. This where you can decide what will happen you to and your relationship next.

Selling More Door To Door - Tips For Success

Selling More Door To Door - Tips For Success

Image source: https://image.slidesharecdn.com/10tipssuccessfulinboundselling-140902190228-phpapp01/95/10-tips-successful-inbound-selling-1-638.jpg?cb=1409727744

Selling More Door To Door - Tips For Success

Door to door sales require special daily preparation to be successful. Door to door sales allows less time for a good impression. Door to door sales require ways to dull the pain of rejection. This article discusses several ways to do these important steps in door to door success.

The First Door Is The Car Door - The hardest thing about door to door sales is getting started. They say the first door is the car door and what it means is that it's tough to get out and start knocking. You need to convince yourself every day that you are helping people by telling them about your product or service. You need to sell yourself until you feel sorry for anyone who does not have your products or services. This is critical to give you the courage to sell door to door.

Dress For Success - People are more concerned about opening the door than ever before. What impression do you give? You have only seconds to make an impression that will allow you to make contact. First, be spotlessly clean. Be very well groomed. Greasy hair or dirty hands are enough to prevent a contact. Dress like a person they would want to talk to. Depending on the neighborhood, it could be a person in a suit, it could be a person in a golf shirt and kaki pants. I suggest you try different attires and see what works. For example, I would be much more likely to open the door to a person in a suit. Are they the FBI? My pastor? Tax collectors? Try different attire and see what gets good results. Men should beware of beards. I have one and I can tell you it makes door to door sales much harder. Also leather jackets, cut away t-shirts, and tattoos are all handicaps in door to door sales.

Be sure to have visible ID. People expect it. Wear your id openly and turned so the prospect can see it before they open the door. Picture ID is best. If possible have signs and graphics on your vehicle that identifies you and your company

Be sure to back away from the door after knocking so they know you will not rush the door to push in if they open it. If there is a porch, you might consider walking down the steps and waiting off the porch. This also means the prospect has to open the door to ask who you are. Don't look in the windows after you knock, don't touch their stuff. Don't pick up their paper or mail - even to hand it to them.

Opening Lines That Work - In door to door sales, you have only a few seconds to make an impression. You need to have your opening prepared. You need to practice, keep track of results and keep improving your opening. Do not start with telling them about your product. If they wanted it, they would have called you. Here are some suggestions to try.

If you can see something on the outside of the home, try talking about that. For example, if you are a roofer, you might open with "Good morning. I am Carl from Acme Roofing. I stopped by because as I drove by I noticed the flashing has pulled away from your chimney. Has it started to leak onto your ceilings yet? I stopped to tell you a few things you could do to fix that problem before it becomes a really costly one."

Notice that this approach is all about the customer. It starts a conversation they want to join. Work on a similar idea for your product or service. Do not start with "I am from Acme Roofing. Are you interested in a new roof?" That just isn't going to work in today's market.

Notice that the opener offered a solution for free. Later you can convince them it's better to hire you for help but starting a conversation for free assistance is a lot easier than selling a stranger.

Setting Reasonable Contact Goals - Many door to door salespeople are out there with no idea what to expect in terms of numbers. What is success? You need to have a reasonable expectation of contacts and sales. While these numbers differ in different industries, here are some rough ideas to start with.

If you sell door to door for 4 hours per day set a goal to start of 10 contacts per hour or 40 for the day. That is an average of 6 minutes per door. Set that goal and stick to it. Make a commitment rain or shine. Try different hours, different attire and different openings to see what works well for you. You have not failed if it doesn't work at first unless you don't change anything! Don't worry about selling to start. Just work on your mind and confidence until you know you can have a good conversation with 40 people per day. Since your goal is based on four hours of selling, if you missed you goal, ad an hour until you reach it.

The next goal you need to set is for meaningful contacts. What percentage of the doors you knock do you enter into a meaningful conversation? I will suggest you start with a goal of just one in ten or ten percent. That means if you contact 40 people per day, you will make a meaningful presentation to four.

Content and presentation numbers and goals are very important to success. There is no rejection involved. So far your success is based on hours worked and doors knocked. Now let's look at sales.

Setting & Achieving Reasonable Sales Goals - You need to set a reasonable goal for sales so you can celebrate victories every day. I suggest you start with a goal of one sale in 4 presentations or a closing rate of 25%. Based on our goal for contacts of 40, and 4 presentations, that would give you a goal of one sale per day. If you don't meet that goal, look into training, and trying new ways to close. Analyze why they say "no" and try to solve the problem. Having a goal and meeting it gives you a much better feeling each day than just hoping and not keeping track.

There a few tips for door to door sales that we know will help you stay up and motivated. In door to door sales often rookies make sales and performance fades with time. Working on the techniques in this article will help you keep that "rookie edge" and sell more every day.

Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes that Everyone Should Know

Image source: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cy7A72ZXgAANYnD.jpg Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes that Everyone Should Know Diabetes is a gro...