Image source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/99/00/99/990099ee1ef4a66aae8bc0e40a6b4faa.jpg
If used perfectly every single time, Planned Parenthood puts the effectiveness of a condom at 98%.
However, they go on to point out that none of us are perfect and the real statistic should be placed at about 85%. In an effort to avoid any negative repercussions, we not only need to know how to use condoms but understand what our options are.
Lets take a look at the different types of condoms so you can choose the one thatll work best for you.
1. The Classic Latex Condom
These types of condoms are the most common and stretch more easily than other alternatives.
One of the most important things to point out, however, is that they should never be used with body oil. Oil can cause them to break or slip off more easily. Instead, consider a water or silicone-based lubricant.
2. The Non-Latex Condom
After rolling around in the sheets, feeling a rash break out down there can certainly give you heart palpitations.
Dont rush to the worst case scenario, though, and think you suddenly contracted an STD. You might be allergic to latex. In that case, make sure you select a non-latex condom next time.
These types of condoms are less popular than their latex counterparts because they dont stretch as easily and are less effective at preventing pregnancy. One study established that non-latex condoms are eight times more likely to break than latex condoms.
In the event of a latex allergy, consider adding spermicide to your prevention methods.
3. Spermicidal Condoms
Did you just start to wonder how youre supposed to manage condoms and spermicidal in the heat of the moment?
Have no fear. Spermicidal condoms are here.
Just know that you never want to use spermicide alone. They wont protect you against sexually transmitted diseases.
4. The Female Condom
These types of condoms are talked about less, but worth considering. Their rate of effectiveness is about 3% lower than regular male condoms.
The upside to these is that they can be inserted well in advance of that magic moment.
The most important thing to note is that you should never use male condoms in conjunction with female condoms.
The two can adhere together or cause slippage. You know what that means!
5. Textured Condoms
These types of condoms might be best reserved for someone youre having regular sex with. They tend to take a little bit of experimentation.
Textured condoms might be ribbed, textured, or even studded. Dont cringe! Some people say they offer added stimulation.
If youre ever curious, try on a few and see if any of them heightens the already-pleasurable experience!
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