Minggu, 25 Maret 2018

10 Common Signs Of Spiritual Awakening Ascension Symptoms

10 Common Signs Of Spiritual Awakening Ascension Symptoms

Image source: http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g208/ammango/angel_love/ascension/ascentionofGaia-1.jpg

10 Common Signs Of Spiritual Awakening Ascension Symptoms

We are living in a time where it is becoming increasingly normal for people to embrace their spiritual sides. Even people that would not use the label of spirituality are open to concepts such as finding their lifes purpose and trusting of their own intuition.

Although we live in a world where science, logic and rationality are revered, many people are left questioning the way we are told to live our life. No matter how hard they try to avoid it, the question theres got to be more to life than this? niggles away at them.

More and more people are awakening spiritually and are open to more than is available in the material world. The runaway success of The Secret DVD goes to show the world was ready to embrace universal laws and has been left wanting more.

Spiritual emergence or ascension is subtle by nature, subtle energy shifts which raise your vibration with huge physical impacts. It is also a personal journey that differs from person to person. Here are 10 signs of ascension symptoms I discovered during my spiritually awakening:

1. Emotional rollercoaster

You may find yourself touched and on the verge of tears more often than usual. Crying at the drop of a hat over the news or a display of sentiment that you would not have cried over before is common. You may also find yourself to be more aggressive or angry with people. Some days you will feel depressed and other days full of joy. You truly feel the full range of emotions and yes it is draining, but its happening for a reason. Stay present to the feelings, feel them fully and they will pass.

2. Stronger connection to nature

Previously your attitude to nature may have been take it or leave it. Now, you have a deep appreciation for all of nature, the colours and the shapes. You start to welcome the seasons whereas you used to dread winter. You may also start to like animals you never liked before. I developed a love of cats, much to the amusement of my friends who knew I couldnt stand them before. Youre changing and becoming more accepting of things for what they are.

3. Changes in energy levels

One day you are bouncing off the walls, another day you cant even get out of bed! Youve got to roll with this one as much as you can. Sleep, rest or chill on the down days and flow with the energy on the high days. Try and eat healthily and try not to stress or feel guilty, it will stabilise.

4. A feeling that something has changed within you

You simply feel different, you may not look any different but you know something has changed internally. Your old ways are falling by the wayside and the real you is starting to emerge.

5. Sudden awareness of recurring patterns or relationships

You may have been living out the same old patterns for decades but suddenly you become aware of it. You may realise that you always destroy what you create, always pick unavailable partners or always attract dependant people - the list is endless. This is great, becoming aware is the first step in eradicating it.

6. Food intolerances, allergies and cravings

As you are becoming more sensitive to energy, your body may start to react to foods you have always eaten and/or you may start to crave something different. The intolerances and allergies may not be permanent so remove them from your diet for a few months and try again later. The cravings may be what your body needs so go with it and trust your body to communicate what it requires.

7. A desire to find yourself, change your social group, behaviour, job etc.

Your material needs have been met and there is still a longing for more. You may start to question who you really are and start to see that your current life may not have been a conscious choice and is more of a by product. Before you can consciously choose you may find yourself stripping away layers to reconnect with you, the spiritual you.

8. An increase in occurrences of coincidence

Better known as synchronicity, favourable people and beneficial circumstance start to appear with exactly what you need. Answers to questions are revealed to you through signs and messages. Synchronicity is a sign you are on the right track and that you are aware of these miracles happening around you. The more you notice and take heed, the more they appear so show appreciation for the guidance you are receiving.

9. Quicker manifestations

Spiritual awakening raises your vibration; this involves a release of blockages which allows abundance to flow to you. Being in alignment with a higher vibration results in quicker and more beneficial manifestations to be received by you. Be aware of your thoughts so you get what you really want or better.

10. A change in what you read, hobbies etc

You are changing for the better; you are heading for a life of deeper fulfilment and purpose. As you do you will find different ways to pass the time and may not enjoy things you have always done as much anymore. Its fine, new pastimes will interest you just be open to what comes your way.

Change and growth are taking place; the discomfort you experience is increased by resistance. Know that all is exactly as it should be and you are having the human experience of growth, let go and roll with it. When discomfort strikes, ask yourself where or what you are resisting and let it go. They say the darkest part of the night is just before dawn so know that its for good.

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