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Falling in love is a great feeling and for those who are lucky enough to find their soul mates, life can be a bed of roses. However, there are some bad relationships, not all matches are made in heaven. Some can be good and then turn into dysfunctional relationships over time.
Oftentimes couples go through what seems like an eternal rough patch while being oblivious to the signs that their goog relationship is sliding toward a bad relationship. I
It isn't uncommon for people to hang on to what seems like a dysfunctional relationship with no future just because they had a great past. In fact this is quite a common phenomenon because we usually don't notice the negative qualities of an individual during the initial "romantic stage" of a relationship.
If you are going through a hard time in your relationship but don't know whether you should call it quits or not, here are the top ten telltale signs to let you know that you should:
1. You seem to be always frustrated about your relationship. For instance, you feel your emotional needs are never being met.
2. You find yourself looking for excuses to avoid spending time together
3. You are being abused physically.
4. You are being abused emotionally.
5. The strong feelings you used to have for your partner are now a thing of the past and you no longer feel such intense emotions for them, instead you reminisce about how you felt for them during better times.
6. You've compromised and sacrificed your beliefs, ambitions and core values in order to adjust to your partner's needs, with the hope of eliminating the problems of your relationship.
7. You've completely and radically changed your appearance hoping that your partner will find you more attractive.
8. You feel like an empty shell of your former self and have lost all of your self belief.
9. You've distanced yourself or totally disconnected from former close friends and/ or family members to accommodate your partner in your life.
10. You feel like your partner doesn't appreciate anything you do or have achieved in life and is trying to undermine you every step of the way.
If you observe these signs in your relationship, then you should know that it's high time to reevaluate where your relationship is headed. Perhaps the most practical way of doing this would be to make a list with two columns. Use one column to list the positive traits of your relationship and jot down the negative attributes of your relationship in the other. Take the time to come up with a concrete list in both columns. Once you are done with the list, see which column is longer in order to ascertain whether the odds are stacked against the survival of your relationship or there's hope for you and your partner yet. Doing so allows you to look at the whole situation objectively thereby making it less hard for you to put an end to the relationship.
Thus, to conclude, remember that a relationship is supposed to bring joy and security to your life and not make an emotional wreck out of you. So, if you see all of the signs discussed in this article, it's best to quit while you're ahead.